Adoption Ceremonies

Have you recently adopted? Congratulations!

There is so much hope for the future when welcoming a child or children into your family. As an adoptive parent myself, it’s an honour to now be able to offer ADOPTION CEREMONIES to other parents who have shared this wonderful experience. Adoption ceremonies can be very similar to naming ceremonies, and the format can easily be adapted for adopted siblings.

Many adopted children will keep their birth first names, which is good as part of their identity and will, of course, be celebrated in the ceremony. But new parents sometimes add another specially chosen middle name and, of course, the child’s family name will change – so this can be celebrated too.

Whatever the age of your child or children, it is so wonderful to hold a meaningful ceremony that welcomes them into your family. For everyone, it has been a long journey with many challenges, but at last you have been united, so this ceremony is a time to accept the past and look to your hopes and dreams for the future. A time to celebrate the love and union of your family; a time to share the joy that your child brings and the memories you’ve already made together.

So let’s get creative and celebrate!

Our Story

We adopted our three children in 2009, and what an adventure we have been on since then! To suddenly become Mum and Dad to our little tribe – who were aged 8, 5 and 4 – was a massive moment for us, and was underpinned with so much love… and routine!

And so, our lives changed beyond all recognition
A little bubble of love we became
Our family we fought for, so instant, so loving,
Nothing would ever, ever be the same.

We had a legal ceremony at the family court in Manchester with the lovely family court judge who let the kids try on her judge’s wig and she gave them their adoption certificates and then, as a family, we went out for a meal. We also had a party at our house for all their new friends and parents from primary school and I still don’t know how we managed to fit 50 people into our small back garden and semi-detached house!

This was a big celebration but looking back now, it would have been even more special, if we’d had a bespoke and unique ADOPTION CEREMONY with symbolism, and created with the kids, to welcome them into the family. So now I’m delighted to be able to offer this service to other families with adopted children!

Please scroll down to see my testimonials.

Just give me a call to say Hi! and have a chat on 07845 990809 or email:

Adoption Ceremony Venues

ADOPTION CEREMONIES are all about welcoming your child(ren) into your family and home, so you may feel that your own home or garden is the perfect venue! I’d be happy to come to you and discuss how we can use the space – whether it’s large or small – to create the perfect ceremony setting.

However, you may prefer a larger venue that’s specifically set up to cater for such events, such as a hotel or community hall. Or perhaps somewhere that holds a special meaning for you as a family.

Wherever you choose, I’m sure it will be the perfect place! Ultimately you will have a ceremony that is a true celebration of your new family unit, in the presence of your family and friends.

Blossom Tree Ceremonies

The Process

Being your celebrant doesn’t just involve conducting your ceremony on the day – half the fun is in the planning! I’ll be available via phone, email, video call or face-to-face as much as you like during the whole process because I want to make sure you get my full bespoke service. Here’s a breakdown of how it all works:

Getting to know you

First we will meet so I can get to know you and your new family, learn about your adoption love story, and share lots of ideas with you. I will also do a recce of the venue if possible, as I like to get a feel for where the ceremony will take place.

Creating and writing your ceremony

Next I will write your bespoke adoption ceremony script, to include all that celebrates your child(ren) and their name. The draft will be delivered to you about a month before the ceremony to be checked and signed off.

Weddings - save the date card
Preparing for the ceremony

It’s often helpful to have a quick rehearsal of the ceremony, either earlier in the day or the day before, so that the children feel comfortable and everyone knows what they’re doing and when.

The big day!

I will arrive at your home or venue at least an hour before the ceremony, or earlier if required for rehearsal. I will then conduct your perfect ceremony, just as we planned. And remember, I am dedicated to you for the whole day!

Fees and Booking


This includes:

The entire planning and on-the-day process outlined above. I will invest my time to get to know you well and to create your own unique ceremony.

You will also receive:

  • a beautiful Keepsake Ceremony Script 
  • a framed Adoption Ceremony certificate


Please feel free to get in touch for a no-obligation chat, so I can answer any questions and check my availability. We can then arrange to have our initial meeting, ideally face-to-face, or alternatively by video call.

After our chat if you would like to book me for your ceremony I will just require 20% of the fee to secure the date and for me to start work creating your ceremony. The balance is due by BACS one month before the ceremony day.

Just call me to say Hi! and have a chat on 07845 990809 or email:

Adoption Ceremony Template

This is a magical moment in all your lives, so the ceremony can be created by you all together with lots of lovely magical moments. The focus will be on your new child or children, as you give them a big, warm hug of safety and security.

Vows and promises from parent to child and from new family to child make a bond that transcends everything and is underpinned with love. The symbolism of the ceremony can be illustrated with lots of fun and creativity. Grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins make it a family affair, and so many memories will be made on this special day.

Bestowing a name, the dedication and the promises usually form the HEART of an adoption ceremony, but there is so much scope for more! Here’s an idea of what is, and can be, included in the ceremony:

Opening music

Opening words

Bestowing a name


Parental promises

Family & friend promises

Welcome to family

Gratitude or blessing

Reading or poem

Symbolic enhancements (see below)

Closing words

Closing music

I also love to include other symbolic enhancements, which can be interspersed throughout the ceremony as appropriate. This could take the form of rituals expressed through nature, such as the 4 elements and the 4 directions. We can involve siblings or other family members in the ceremony, have a singalong of their favourite song, read from their favourite book, share their favourite food, or any other ideas you have! There are a great many forms of ceremony enhancements out there, which I’d be happy to share with you.


“Petra was the celebrant for our daughters naming day and we can’t imagine anyone doing a better job. She came to our house to learn about all about our family and our daughters personality, likes and hobbies, before weaving it in to a brilliantly cohesive ceremony based around her favourite film. We had singing, dancing, poems and stories. It was brilliant and everyone loved it, especially the children. Petra is a fun, kind and thoughtful individual and we couldn’t recommend her more. Thank you!”

– Tom & Kim

“Petra created a truly beautiful and uplifting naming ceremony for our adopted daughter. She really got to know all about our daughter and the things that were important to us in our special story. She was extremely friendly and likeable. Thank you, Petra.”

– Claire

Ready to get started?

I would love to hear from you!